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Residential Investment Property
Tax Depreciation
Capital Allowance and Tax Depreciation Schedules are your key, as a Property Investor, to reducing your tax payable or increasing your tax refund. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) allows investment property Owners to claim a tax deduction on the fair wear and tear on an investment property and it’s fittings. As every seasoned Investor knows, a tax depreciation schedule is a must for any Investor. A new property could expect tax deductions in the first full financial year alone of $8,000 – $25,000.
The benefits of a GQS tax depreciation schedule are:
41 year schedules (only one report for the life of your investment)
ATO Compliant
Maximum deductions – our schedules include recognised acceleration techniques to maximise your depreciation deductions sooner
Our fees are 100% tax deductible
We keep up to date with all relevant tax legislation, so you don’t miss out – keep an eye on our blog!
GQS are Registered Tax Agents and members of the Australian Institute of Quantity Surveyors (AIQS)
Results are GUARANTEED – if we can’t find 2 x our fee in tax deductions in the first full financial year alone your report is FREE.
For new and untenanted properties you may also be eligible to order a fully immersive 3D scan on your property.Please contact our team to confirm eligibility. An example of these scans is shown below:
We will beat any comparable quote and with an inspection by one of our experienced team members or partners across 46 locations throughout Australia – you won’t find better value!